Friday, 24 June 2016

Security Seals Best Practices

  Welcome to iSecurity Seals - Your trusted security seals specialist


Best Practices to Follow


      Security seals are used to as tamper evidence instruments. Security seals exists in various forms and usages, but their usefulness would be negligible if they are not used as an integral part of existing procedures and systems established by users to apply and monitor security seals. Here, the following points are intended to help seal users, assisting them in setting up the proper procedures and control systems, in order to use security seals to prevent pilferage and theft.


  Ordering Security Seals


1.   A company is strongly recommended to designate one staff to handle all seals purchases.

2.   All orders for security seals should come from on centralized location in the company.

3.   Shipment of security seals should be done to one specific location in the company.

4.   Security seals should be stamped with a marking and number series unique to the company that requires the seals.

5.   Color and location differentiation is one suggested method to identify different distribution centers or terminals of companies.



Storing Security Seals


      Security seals should always be kept in a secure area where only authorized personnel will have access. This will prevent fraudulent use of security seals. A log book of “seal release” must be kept.

Outbound Security Seal Log Book


      Maintain one log book for outbound seal recording and a separate log book for inbound seal recording. The outbound security seal log book should contain the following information:

1. Date and time of seal application.
2. Trailer or container number.
3. Shipment destination.
4. Name of the employee applying the seal.
5. Driver identity or other identification of personnel involved.

      If the driver is not an employee of the shipper, the application of the seal should be monitored by a representative of the shipper. Proper handing over procedures should be in place at all stages of the route.



Be sure you get the best fit for your seal requirements - Contact us to request for a sample today!

 Alternatively, email our friendly staff today!

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